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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I used to believe that nothing is impossible.
Everything and anything would just be an effort less or an effort more.
As long as I have faith, I am on the right path.

I realised, that was naive calling out to me.
Beliefs or efforts ain't enough.
Regardless of the strength, it all doesn't matter.
If it's impossible, it really is.

It is so, that many are not within your hands.
It's killing me to grasp the truth.
So now what's the next move?

Getting back.

♥ I'm still missing...
6:02 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

These few weeks have been busy.
It was all made up of you, besties and loads of projects.
Yet all these ain't going to end anytime soon.
There's still 2 projects' deadlines and the upcoming exams.

I love to see your smile, love to be the reason of your joy. :)
However, the fear of being your burden keeps hovering around me.
I wonder what the future holds.
But, I am still grateful that we took this step together.

21st October is coming close.
Once again, I am reminded of the dear you.
Its been nearly 4 years yet i still misses you so badly.
The memory of 21.10.2004 still seem to be only yesterday.
Every year's birthday, i still wish your here to hold me.
I miss you so much, i still do not understand why you left.
We had so many promises yet to fulfill.
I know you love me the most.

21st october.

♥ I'm still missing...
8:42 AM

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Its been ages since the last entry. I have been so occupied with EVERYTHING but studies. This semester carried so much meanings for me. Many entered and many left my boundaries. I am grateful and thankful for those who became part of me.

October is here again. We all know, what this month mean! :) I wonder what will happen this year? What initiatives do i need to make? What activities should i create? I am just too lazy to care now, perhaps when the date is nearer... I miss all the celebrations in Singapore so much, especially the never missed-durian-cake from prima deli.

The coming up weeks will be bustled with assignments then exams. I must strive for my DISTINCTIONS, though not exactly possible. It is time to settle down. After this break, i shall be a changed woman. I must be motivated!!!

Y.E.A and the girls, my love.

You know you love me,



♥ I'm still missing...
7:08 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Today is everything.

I know you will see this post. Loves!

♥ I'm still missing...
9:19 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Maybe, just maybe.
Life will be easier if i could fall.


♥ I'm still missing...
7:57 PM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I hate uploading pictures.
Takes hell lotsa of time AND yet i still did a BAD JOB at it.
Plus, i have only managed to upload 1/10 of what i intended to.
Everything below are so DISORGANIZED.

1. The trip to BLUE MOUNTAINS.
2. Nory-made cookies
3. DING TAI FUNG (Loving it)

The ride.

Bored to death.

My body ain't as perfect.

The originals of aussie.

The three sisters whom were turned into rocks. (as they fall in love with three guys from the other village) Funny or romantic?

it went down, 90 degrees.

Ever wonder how cookies i make taste like?
Finally trimmed.
Wrong positioning of photos.
Too lazy to move it.

Sydney's one and only.
Finally. i got it here!
Any difference?

I have to show myself

♥ I'm still missing...
10:44 PM

Monday, August 4, 2008

No where else could i pen these down but here.

I thought we had passed those phases.
Yet again, I was utterly wrong.
We are back to the same spot, same reasons, same excuses, same happenings, same lies.
Flashes of bits all came back.
The wound which was healing, is now torn apart again.
When is the time for it's healing?

I am disappointed.
Sorry, i can't help myself from feeling so.

i need myself.

♥ I'm still missing...
1:02 AM


hit counter

Announcements: Whats for 21st?


I am who you see me to be...


Fairy godmother grant my wish of
* My 21st bdae party at macs
* See my fav faces in Sydney
* Dun be too greedy...



cbox is recomended


me, myself and i