PICTORIAL UPDATESI hate uploading pictures.
Takes hell lotsa of time AND yet i still did a
BAD JOB at it.
Plus, i have only managed to upload
1/10 of what i intended to.
Everything below are so
Agenda: 1. The trip to BLUE MOUNTAINS.
2. Nory-made cookies
Loving it) The ride.
Bored to death.
My body ain't as perfect.
The originals of aussie.
The three sisters whom were turned into rocks. (as they fall in love with three guys from the other village) Funny or romantic?
it went down, 90 degrees.
Ever wonder how cookies i make taste like?
Finally trimmed.
Wrong positioning of photos.
Too lazy to move it.
Sydney's one and only.
Finally. i got it here!
Any difference?
I have to show myself
♥ I'm still missing...
10:44 PM
No where else could i pen these down but here.
I thought we had passed those phases.
Yet again, I was utterly wrong.
We are back to the same spot, same reasons, same excuses, same happenings, same lies.
Flashes of bits all came back.
The wound which was healing, is now torn apart again.
When is the time for it's healing?
I am disappointed.
Sorry, i can't help myself from feeling so.
i need myself.
♥ I'm still missing...
1:02 AM